A plug-in for Photoshop that adds functionality to save the document as HEIC format.
How to use
- Copy HEICFormat.plugin to "/Applications/Adobe Photoshop NNNN/Plug-ins/Filters" where NNNN is the major version of Adobe Photoshop. You may need the administrator right to do that.
- Check 'About plugins' menu to see if the plug-in is activated: a menu item 'HEIC Format...' is added, you can use it to bring up the settings window.
3: If it is not there, check if the correct permission is set, you can re-enforce it by the following command in the terminal:
xattr -cr "/Applications/Adobe Photoshop NNNN/Plug-ins/Filters/HEICFormat.plugin"
chmod a+x "/Applications/Adobe Photoshop NNNN/Plug-ins/Filters/HEICFormat.plugin/Contents/MacOS/HEICFormat"
If everything works, you will see 'HEIC Format' in the file type list in the Save As dialog.