Double Exposure Photoshop PS Action.
Keywords: art design modern art art template abstract art art colorful template modern design overlay light design design abstract template modern light texture colorful abstract colorful colorful design modern abstract abstract design chromatic abstract texture abstract effect colorful texture abstract light distortion modern texture texture design light bokeh effect modern template light overlay bokeh light bokeh overlay bokeh streak
1. Please note that you are using photoshop in the English version.
2. Go to: Image / Mode and check the "RGB color" and "8 Bits/Channel"
How this action is used?
1. Open the action (for that go to: Window / Actions, click on menu icon at the right and choose
in list "Load Actions..." then find the action on your computer and open it.
2. Open your background image.
3. Place your second image (for that go to: File / Place and choose the image you need) if necessary
you can resize this image.
4. Find the action in the action list, open it and click play (before clicking the play button make
sure the second photo is selected)
5. Wait until the action is finished and you can see the final result.
6. You can change colors and contrast if you need it (adjustment layers are included to do this)
7. Ready, now you can save.